Spoiler Alert.
Things I loved:
+Rue: was she not perfect?
+Seneca Crane's beard
+Wild dogs
+President Snow with his roses: though the dialouge with Crane was a bit off in my opinion.
+Peeta's interview and camoflauge skills (though his face in the arena wasn't believable, he didn't have a mirror!)
+Thresh saving Katniss
+Tracker Jackers explination
+Jennifer Lawerance as Katniss
+The actors in general
+Cornucopia: I had a hard time imagining this in the book but the way it turned out was super cool.
+Haymitch's messages in the parachuets
+The Valley Song
+Caesar Flickerman was great!! I'm kinda gald he didn't have blue lips.
Best way to improve:
+Katniss voice over narration. There are plenty of times where the viewer must sit in silence wondering what is happening. We don't get Katniss' thoughts which explain so much in the book. Instead we are viewing the movie, often when nothing going on. VOICE OVER SOME THOUGHTS!!!!
Other things:
+They exaggerated Peeta's manliness. No one gets biceps like that working in a bakery. Carbs, not protiens people....
+Cato mercy kill....really?
+ Gale. Oh the tragdy.....like he would scare a deer away?? Please, these people are STARVING. He would let her shoot it and GALDLY carry it for her where ever she wanted. If he wanted to be funny he would stick an arrow in a loaf of bread or something.....
+And no Gale flashbacks to the nice times they had during the games. Very sad...we all thought he was going to be given his due because of the trailers. They tricked us, those dirty dogs.
+No family and friend interviews!!!! WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR THIS!!!!!!! Right? This would have emotionally invested us more in the characters.
+Katniss' interview....awkward and confusing. In a bad way.
+Too many annoying cut outs to the game makers control room. Some would be great but it was over kill. Let's have some Katniss flashbacks to her and Prim or the hob or her father dying/getting his metal or Gale or....anything that was in the book that was left out
+I know it's a movie....however, there wasn't enough personal investment in the characters. Everything was jumping around here, there, everywhere. Though the scene with Katniss and Prim hugging in the beginning was priceless.
+The scene with Peeta and Katniss and the bread....*coughvoiceovernarrationcough* So what was that about?
+Haymitch didn't fall of the stage
+No sleeping medicine for Peeta. The whole explotation of romance for survival was downplayed emmensly. Instead we have awkward shots of Gale making ambigous facial expressions?
+No awkward moment where Katniss reveals that she just not that into Peeta.
+Taylor Swift's song wasn't played until the credits (okay, that is pure personal preference)
+Why were some of the careers snuggled up together?
+Also, when Katniss was climbing the tree, there was something obvious in the shot that should not have been.
+Katniss in kneehigh laced up boots in the beginning. Really? That is not probable. Can you imagine the trade for laces for those things???(There was even a comment about that in the book.) Her whole get up in the woods was weird, short, fitted jacket that was suppose to her dad's? Has anyone ever seen a hunting jacket??
+The mocking jay pin.....beautiful but handled poorly.
+There were soooo many good lines for the book that could have been used easily that weren't. Ex: "You'll be up in some tree eating raw squirrels and picking people off with arrows."
+Either have the hob or don't. Don't just put it in like it belongs without some back story. It doesn't belong, which is the point.
+The hallucination scene would have been GREAT for some forshadowing...
+Shouldn't she have been....hairier in the first bath scene??? Just sayin...
+Erm, the Avox girl...I am really confused about this one...she was in the cast list but did we see in her in the movie? Or know what she was/importance if we did....
+The scene with the injection of the tracker...nessicary? The scene where Katniss confronts Peeta about his feelings and the lacking of hers....optional?
Well I am going to stop there. I wish I was a movie producer.....no offense to anyone that made movie. It is just weird that some many little things could have helped and not hurt it. Props for giving it the over right feel of darkness. Also for not doing anything super weird from the book, like letting Rue live, or killing Peeta, or letting Katniss' dad be alive. It was appreciated for staying to true to the story.
Copied and pasted from my facebook notes. I rewatched the movie this weekend and thought about the same things over again so I posted a copy to my blog. No rights to the pictures.